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Countdown to the wedding...

It's hard to believe how quickly time flies, but I'm happy for this chance to reflect on the whole experience of preparing to and then marrying the love of my life.

I have to admit that in the days and even weeks leading up to the wedding, I definitely spent a lot of time thinking "Man, this is a lot of work for just one day!"

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Centerpieces needed to be found and then finished, Easter, work, organizing people and rides and food for the rehearsal, dresses, shoes, hair, makeup Questions.

I am not an organizer. I am not a leader. I totally was out of my element. Luckily I had surrounded myself with some pretty amazing girls who did a great job of picking up all the balls I was failing to juggle, and my last night as a single woman was a pretty easy one.

The day before the wedding we had people coming in from Kingston and Ottawa, I had to go pick up the bombanieres from a coworker who had done a truly impressive job of making them. David had a lunch arranged with the guys in my family, and I was working on trying to make sure he had at least one dude there who knew who he was before me. I managed to surprise him by having his good friend Tom show up.

I had it in my head that I wanted a sign for the ceremony.I made that sign the focus of a chunk of my day while pretty much everyone else went to help my sister with the cake, or do last minute sewing, or work on programs or other little odds and ends.

I had a headache most of the day Friday, but I didn't let it stop me or slow me down, I knew that the very next day I'd be marrying the man of my dreams!

At around 5pm I got dressed in the dress I bought specially for the rehearsal, and added a black cardigan and tights because it was pretty flippin' cold! And we headed to the church for the rehearsal.

I wasn't nervous at all. I was excited, and maybe a little overwhelmed, but in a good way. At the church I organized our hu-normous wedding party and we did a quick walk through of the ceremony, then it was back to our house for a potluck dinner with our special guests. It was a pretty packed house! But I think everyone had an alright time.

After everyone had a chance to eat and mingle things quieted down as people left. David and I took a few minutes to ourselves to just breathe and relax before I headed out the door for my sister's house where I would be spending the night. Before leaving I asked David if we could do our "I love you because"s- before going to sleep we recap the little things that happened that day that remind us of why we fell in love with each other. We have done this every night since December of 2012. Sometimes by text message, sometimes over Skype, sometimes in person. So anyways, when I asked him, David said "not tonight." I was taken aback by that statement, and on the verge of having my feelings hurt, but David explained that he wanted us to have the night to reflect on everything that has brought us to this point, and to really think about it and then the next day after we we're married, we'd take a few minutes, just the two of us and do our "I love you because"s then.

I liked that idea.

I went to my sister's with a bunch of my bridesmaids, and we worked on getting a bunch of last-minute stuff done including putting rags in my hair so that it would be curly wedding hair in the morning.

It was after 1am when I lay my head down on the pillow to fall asleep for the last time as a Miss.

Bless you guys! I just messaged a co-worker that I could cite their beautiful New Zealand based festival blogs, through a future write-up. If perhaps you were looking to get a festival blog here in the OTH region, they actually are really good.

Now, I definitely should say the seed for this specific information has been provided via Kavos at They certainly are a superb pool supply services. I really enjoy a first-rate pitch!

Invaluable Sources - Great business.

Posted in Food Post Date 11/04/2022






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